Standing Up For Your Rights Following Car Accident Injuries
The number of cars on roads, tollways and highways in the Chicago metropolitan area and Northern Illinois continues to grow every year. Fortunately, most drivers are courteous, safe and insured. However, the Insurance Research Council reports that as many as 15% of all drivers in Illinois do not carry legally required auto insurance. Making matters worse, Illinois is one of the leading states in the nation for alcohol-related car accident deaths, averaging more than 335 fatalities over a five-year period between 2007 and 2011.*
Talk To Us Before You Talk To The Insurance Company
Auto insurers are quick to offer a fast, low settlement for car accident injury and wrongful death claims. They know that an auto accident will have a serious impact on the lives of the injured and surviving family members. Families in distress are often quick to accept a check so they can move on with their lives. The truth is, it is simply not possible to know the full and fair extent of monetary compensation you are due until you talk to an experienced personal injury attorney. The insurance company will never tell you how much money others in your situation have recovered following their accident.
FMCO Law is recognized as one of the preeminent names in plaintiff litigation services for people injured in auto accidents in the Chicago metropolitan area and northern Illinois. We have years of experience backed by successful case results. Call us at 630-232-7450 or contact the office by email or fax to schedule a case evaluation with one of our experienced Chicago, Illinois, car accident lawyers.
Policy limit settlement for man injured in car collision
FMCO Law attorneys obtained a policy limit settlement for a young man injured when an oncoming car went out of control. An elderly woman took her car out for a drive and lost control, crossing the center line and colliding with our client. The initial police report indicated the woman may have been dead behind the wheel before the collision. Suit was filed against her estate. Her insurer defended based upon the so-called “Act of God” defense, claiming that the defendant’s untimely death was not an act of negligence. FMCO attorneys were not deterred and thoroughly investigated the matter. Subsequently, it was discovered that the defendant had taken massive overdoses of multiple narcotic pain medications and was, indeed, guilty of negligence for getting behind the wheel while intoxicated.
Read more about our successful representation at our Results page.
Automobile Injury And Wrongful Death Attorneys
Call us at 630-232-7450 or use our convenient email contact form to arrange a case evaluation. Our office hours in Geneva are from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. Evening and weekend appointments may be available by special arrangement. If you cannot travel to our offices, we are often able to meet with you in your home, hospital room, office or another convenient location.